One Step at a Time – March
Add spring veggies to your menu. Tender lettuce leaves, spring peas, asparagus and spinach are tasty delights showing up at local farmers markets.
Add spring veggies to your menu. Tender lettuce leaves, spring peas, asparagus and spinach are tasty delights showing up at local farmers markets.
The Souper Bowl of Caring ties a popular sporting event – the Super Bowl – to a good cause every year. (The 2016 Super Bowl is Feb. 7.) Many congregations encourage members to help feed the hungry by contributing cans of soup or other donations to the Souper Bowl of Caring, with donations often collected [...]
Think red. Red bell peppers, cherries, strawberries, red beans and tomatoes are packed with vitamins and cancer-fighting antioxidants.
God, we thank you for this food. For rest and home and all things good. For wind and rain and sun above. But most of all for those we love.
A New Year, a New You! Eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains!
Enjoy the flavors of the season. Some of the most popular and healthy choices that are in abundance now are fall or winter squashes. They are easy to prepare and add variety to your menus. Some choices at local markets are acorn, butternut, Hubbard, turban and spaghetti. Cooked yellow spaghetti squash with herbs. [...]
When it’s hot outside – temperatures approaching 100 degrees – any food that’s light and refreshing is perfect for any menu. You can’t go wrong with watermelon. This fruit is in the cucurbit family (think cantaloupe, squash and pumpkin) yet it has its own distinct flavor. Its watery goodness is packed with lycopene and carotenoids, [...]
In "Eat This and Live!" the author, Don Colbert, MD, writes about a research study on the top 20 antioxidant foods. The study is from the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry and it tested the antioxidant power of hundreds of foods. Antioxidants are powerful substances that fight free radicals that cause illness. When you [...]
"Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today; and give us not to think so far away as the uncertain harvest; keep us here all simply in the springing of the year." From "A Prayer in Spring" by Robert Frost
Now through April 15 is the best time of year to set transplants of broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower in your vegetable garden. Cole crops grow well when the temperatures are still cool. Ample fertilizer and periodic rainfall or irrigation are needed to help them thrive. Cole crops, also known as cruciferous vegetables, get their name [...]