FaithFoodHealth is the destination for news and content offering coverage of the faith, food and health intersect, including agriculture, food and food justice, nutrition, wellness, gardening, seasonality, sustainability and stewardship of God’s creation.
We are all about helping you be more mindful of:
- How faith and food connect
- How healthy eating will improve your health
- How caring for God’s creation can improve our communities
- How taking care of your own health and creation can enhance service to each other and to God.
Consider this your inspiration source for practical tips to help you on your journey. We will share ideas from individuals, congregations and others, scientific research and other helpful resources. We’re not into the latest trends and fads and we won’t waste your time with them. We draw inspiration and knowledge from the Bible and God’s creation, from scientific research and from your success stories. FaithFoodHealth is not affiliated with any denomination.
About Our Columns
Saying Grace
We share a prayer that you may wish to use through the month or as inspiration to include saying grace at your mealtimes.
One Step at a Time
We share a tip of the month that helps you become more mindful of one small, doable step that can make a difference in your health. Step by step we make it to where we need to be!
Eat This and Live!
Eating what is in season is a way to be mindful. We will share nutrition, gardening and health and wellness research. We’ll also share easy preparation tips and ideas since we know many people don’t know how to cook or think they don’t have time.
Loaves and Fishes
This column shares what individuals, congregations and other organizations are doing. Just as sharing food has an act of a miracle built into it, we believe the sharing of the stories, the work and the ideas of others will help feed the multitudes in other ways. We may feature gardening, sustainability, cooking, health and wellness, food ministry, farm support, food justice issues and other topics. If you would like to see a particular work featured, we encourage you to send us your ideas. Please send to [email protected].
A Time to Sow, A Time to Reap
In the Bible, we read of God creating a garden. Perhaps we are closest to God in a garden. This column will share garden-related stories. It may include information on starting a church garden or a backyard garden. At other times it will provide information on what to plant at particular times of the year. When produce is plentiful it will provide information on how to prepare and preserve it.
Leah Chester-Davis
FaithFoodHealth is published by Chester-Davis Communications LLC, owned by Leah Chester-Davis. Leah has nearly 30 years of experience in working to improve the lives of others through higher education outreach programs. Her background is in human environmental sciences and journalism, with a focus on science writing in the nutrition area. She has started, contributed to and coordinated educational family, youth, gardening and local foods programs and taps into a nationwide network of subject matter specialists in faith-based issues, agriculture, the environment, horticulture, nutrition and wellness, child development, parenting, aging, financial management, among other specialties.
“FaithFoodHealth” starts with the scripture from I Corinthians that ‘our bodies are a temple’ and it makes a difference how we treat them. We wish to provide news and content that will contribute to the dialogue about food and spirituality, and how we can all benefit by greater mindfulness.”
Disclaimer: FaithFoodHealth is designed to inform its readers about news and issues on the faith, food and health subject. While we strive to be responsible in the information we share – based on research, facts and personal experience – this does not substitute for medical advice. Leah Chester-Davis is not a trained dietitian, chef or medical professional. We encourage you to seek your doctor’s recommendations about your health.