This column shares what individuals, congregations and other organizations are doing. Just as sharing food has an act of a miracle built into it, we believe the sharing of the stories, the work and the ideas of others will help feed the multitudes in other ways. We may feature gardening, sustainability, cooking, health and wellness, food ministry, farm support, food justice issues and other topics. If you would like to see a particular work featured, we encourage you to send us your ideas. Please send to [email protected].
Souper Bowl of Caring
The Souper Bowl of Caring ties a popular sporting event – the Super Bowl – to a good cause every year. (The 2016 Super Bowl is Feb. 7.) Many congregations encourage members to help feed [...]
Bee Schools Are Abuzz
Beekeeping schools are abuzz from January through March in much of the country. If you’ve thought about this worthwhile hobby, Master Beekeepers and bee associations hold classes to help beginners get started, or at least [...]
N.C. Church Helps Public School Build Garden
A garden is a gift. It’s a place that teaches many lessons. A child walks into a garden and he or she walks into a world of wonder. Nature brings math, science and literature to [...]
Pro Football Player Gives Away Pounds of Sweet Potatoes
A former professional football player who walked away from the game and a multimillion dollar salary to begin a farming endeavor to feed the hungry has gained lots of media attention. The story is quite [...]
Deer Hunters and Landowners Team Up to Feed the Hungry
Deer season runs from early fall through early winter in many regions of the country. For many hunters, it’s not only a sport but it’s a way to enjoy local food. Backyard Bow Pro, an [...]
Check Out These Grants for Kids Gardens
Gardening with children is fun and inspirational. The sense of wonder, the thrill of discovery and the chance to learn from nature are gifts every child should experience. Lessons abound! We love to share information [...]